Hay hombres que de su cencia
tienen la cabeza llena,
hay sabios de todas menas,
más digo sin ser muy ducho
es mejor que aprender mucho
el aprender cosas buenas.
Es la memoria un gran don
Cualidad muy meritoria
y aquellos que en esta historia
sospechen que les doy palo
sepan que olvidar lo malo
también es tener memoria.
Mas naides se crea ofendido
pues a ninguno incomodo
y si opino de este modo,
por encontrarlo oportuno,
no es para mal de ninguno
sino para bien de todos.
José Hernández - Martín Fierro
La verdad siempre triunfa
“Llegará el día en que desapareciendo las sombras sólo queden las verdades, que no dejarán de conocerse por más que quieran ocultarse entre el torrente oscuro de las injusticias” (Juan Manuel de Rosas. 1857)
La vocación por los estudios históricos es la primera en presentarse en los pueblos que luchan por su libertad. Prioridad que no es casual, pues las naciones beben en su propia historia los fundamentos de su derrotero. “La historia es una noble instructora – ha escrito Savigny – y sólo a través de ella puede mantenerse vivo el contacto con la vida primitiva del pueblo. La pérdida de esta conexión despojaría al país de la mejor parte de su vida espiritual”.
Este patriotismo de los grandes períodos emancipadores – tal el caso actual de la Argentina – no nace de conciencias aisladas, sino que es el fruto de toda una generación, aunque sus miembros se ignoren, y cuya obra, a su vez, es el efecto de un estado multitudinario de la conciencia misma de la colectividad.
El estudio sistemático y crítico de al historia no es más que uno de los síntomas de este esclarecimiento y unificación de la vida nacional, conciente de sí misma, que aventa en los estratos profundos y anónimos del pueblo. (Hernández Arregui, Juan José - La formación de la conciencia Nacional. p.41. Peña Lillo. Ediciones Continente. Bs.As. 2004)
Una de las formas de ocultamiento de la verdad histórica de que abusan nuestros liberales, es la de escribir historia. Tenemos cientos de textos, de manuales y tratados de historia, todos cortados sobre los mismos moldes académicos, que son escarnio y prevaricación de la Academia. Historias de pueblos ausentes, de falsas oposiciones y de escamoteo de los conflictos profundos; así se adormece la conciencia de los argentinos en la certeza de que carecen de un propio e inconfundible destino universal. Magisterio de rótulos arbitrarios que fía su eficiencia al fenómeno mecánico de la repetición: gobiernos patrios, anarquía, tiranía, organización nacional. Y una gran síntesis: o civilización o barbarie. (García Mellid, Atilio.- “Proceso al liberalismo argentino”. p.10. Ediciones Theoría.1964)
Fuente: La Gazeta Federal (http://www.lagazeta.com.ar/)
Some men of his rescence
their heads are full,
There are wise men of all ores,
I say without being more versed
It is better to learn a lot
to learn good things.
Memory is a great gift
meritorious quality
and those who in this story
I suspect that they stick
know that forgetting evil
also have a memory.
But establishing offended Naiden
uncomfortable for any
and if I think in this way
by finding appropriate
is not to bad either
But for good.
José Hernández - Martín Fierro
The truth always wins
"The day that are disappearing shadows only truths that can not fail to know how much they want to hide in the dark torrent of injustice" (Juan Manuel de Rosas. 1857)
The inclination for historical studies is the first to appear on peoples struggling for their freedom. Priority is not accidental, since the nations drink in their own history the foundations of his itinerary. "History is a noble instructor - has written Savigny - and only through it can be kept alive contact with the primitive life of the people. The loss of this connection deprive the country of the best part of his spiritual life. "
The patriotism of the great periods emancipation - as the current case of Argentina - not born of isolated consciousness, but is the result of a whole generation, although its members are unknown, and whose work, in turn, is the effect of crowded state of the very conscience of the community.
The systematic and critical study of the history is but one symptom of this clarification and unification of national life, conscious of itself, that scatter in the deepest and anonymous people. (Hernández Arregui, Juan José - The formation of national consciousness. P.41. Peña Lillo. Ediciones Continente. Buenos Aires 2004)
One way of concealing the historical truth of who abuse our liberal, is to write history. We have hundreds of texts, manuals and treatises on history, all cut on the same academic mold, who are mocked and prevarication of the Academy. Stories of people absent, false oppositions and trampling the deep conflict, so it numbs the conscience of Argentines in the certainty that lack a personal and unmistakable universal destiny. Magisterium of arbitrary signs trust their efficiency mechanical phenomenon of repetition: patriotic government, anarchy, tyranny, national organization. And a great synthesis: either civilization or barbarism. (Garcia de Mello, Atilio .- Process Argentine liberalism. "P.10. Theoría.1964 Editions)
Source: Federal Gazette (www.lagazeta.com.ar)
Some men of his rescence
their heads are full,
There are wise men of all ores,
I say without being more versed
It is better to learn a lot
to learn good things.
Memory is a great gift
meritorious quality
and those who in this story
I suspect that they stick
know that forgetting evil
also have a memory.
But establishing offended Naiden
uncomfortable for any
and if I think in this way
by finding appropriate
is not to bad either
But for good.
José Hernández - Martín Fierro
The truth always wins
"The day that are disappearing shadows only truths that can not fail to know how much they want to hide in the dark torrent of injustice" (Juan Manuel de Rosas. 1857)
The inclination for historical studies is the first to appear on peoples struggling for their freedom. Priority is not accidental, since the nations drink in their own history the foundations of his itinerary. "History is a noble instructor - has written Savigny - and only through it can be kept alive contact with the primitive life of the people. The loss of this connection deprive the country of the best part of his spiritual life. "
The patriotism of the great periods emancipation - as the current case of Argentina - not born of isolated consciousness, but is the result of a whole generation, although its members are unknown, and whose work, in turn, is the effect of crowded state of the very conscience of the community.
The systematic and critical study of the history is but one symptom of this clarification and unification of national life, conscious of itself, that scatter in the deepest and anonymous people. (Hernández Arregui, Juan José - The formation of national consciousness. P.41. Peña Lillo. Ediciones Continente. Buenos Aires 2004)
One way of concealing the historical truth of who abuse our liberal, is to write history. We have hundreds of texts, manuals and treatises on history, all cut on the same academic mold, who are mocked and prevarication of the Academy. Stories of people absent, false oppositions and trampling the deep conflict, so it numbs the conscience of Argentines in the certainty that lack a personal and unmistakable universal destiny. Magisterium of arbitrary signs trust their efficiency mechanical phenomenon of repetition: patriotic government, anarchy, tyranny, national organization. And a great synthesis: either civilization or barbarism. (Garcia de Mello, Atilio .- Process Argentine liberalism. "P.10. Theoría.1964 Editions)
Source: Federal Gazette (www.lagazeta.com.ar)
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